Figure 2.
T-cell repertoire overlap between the blood and skin, diversity of the blood T-cell repertoire, and distribution of most frequent T-cell sequences in the blood and skin. (A-D) The degree of clonal overlap between indicated samples measured by Morisita index is demonstrated by a graded color range according to the key, in which blue represents a score of 0 (no overlap) and red represents a score of 1 (maximum overlap) in representative patients. Samples isolated from skin are labeled S, and blood samples are labeled B. (A) Patient with a discordant dominant T-cell clone in the blood and skin. B, year 0; S1, year 1; and S2/S3, year 0. (B) Patient with a discordant dominant T-cell clone in the blood and skin over time. B, year 4; S6, year 0; S5, year 4; S3/S4, year 3 month 1; and S1/S2, year 3 month 10. (C) Patient with a dominant clone in the skin but no dominant clone in the blood. B, month 1; S3, month 2; and S1/S2, month 0. (D) Patient with an identical dominant T-cell clone in the blood and skin. B1, year 0; B2, year 1; and S1, year 0. (E) Average Morisita index for blood and skin overlap and (F) average Simpson clonality score in the blood for patients in indicated groups I, identical dominant clones in the blood and skin; D, discordant dominant clones in the blood and skin; and N, no dominant clone in blood. ∗∗∗∗P < .0001; ∗P = .0130. (G) The frequency of D (dominant) and top 5 most frequent individual blood clones in the skin in patients with discordant dominant blood and skin clones. Numbers represent the frequency (%) of the indicated blood clone in the skin. Freq: the order of frequency of the clones in blood. Blue boxes represent sequences not found in skin, orange boxes represent sequences that were found in skin, and red boxes represent sequences found at high frequency (top 5) in the skin. S-1, S-2, etc represent different biopsy sites. (H) The frequency of D (dominant) and top 5 most frequent individual skin clones in the blood in patients with discordant dominant blood and skin clones. Numbers represent the frequency (%) of the indicated skin clone in blood. Freq: the order of frequency of the clones in skin. Blue boxes represent sequences not found in blood, orange boxes represent sequences that were found in blood, and red boxes represent sequences found at high frequency (top 5) in the blood.