Figure 6.
Detection of intact VWF in AVWS. (A) Multimers were analyzed via SDS-agarose electrophoresis. The relative amount of multimers exceeding 10 bands was determined via comparison to normal pooled plasma (NPP). (B) Patient plasma samples were analyzed for total antigen using polyclonal antibodies and for intact VWF using KB-VWF-D3.1. NPP was used as a calibrator. Presented is the ratio of intact VWF to total VWF antigen. Each individual sample is represented by a closed symbol. Statistical analysis was performed via a one-way analysis of variance with Dunnett’s correction for multiple comparisons. Control samples were identical to those presented in Figure 5. (C, D) Plotted is the ratio of intact VWF to total VWF antigen vs the relative amount of large multimers for samples from patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) (C) and ECMO patients (D).