BCR-dependent expression of BCL2A1 in MCL. (A) Correlation between BCR signature and BCL2A1 gene expression in PB MCL cells (n = 63) and MCL cell lines (n = 7). Spearman r and P-value are indicated on the graph. (B) BCL2A1 expression in PB MCL cells (n = 3), and MCL cell lines (MAVER, UPN1) treated or not for 3 hours with anti-IgM (αIgM, 10 μg/mL) was measured by RT-qPCR. Paired t test; ∗P < .05. (C) BCL2A1 protein expression in MCL primary cells (n = 6) and NTS3 cell line treated or not for 3 hours with anti-IgM (αIgM, 10 μg/mL) was assessed by immunoblot. (D) CD83, BCL2A1, BCL2, MCL1 and BCLXL gene expression in BCL2A1 positive MCL cell lines (SP53, NTS3, REC-1, Mino) treated for 24 hours with ibrutinib (500 nM) was evaluated by bulk RNA-sequencing. ANOVA test; ∗∗P < .01, ∗P < .05. (E) Synergy score (highest single-agent [HSA] method) computed for 6 MCL cell lines treated with venetoclax and ibrutinib for 48 hours. Unpaired t test; ∗P < .05. Detailed results are represented in supplemental Figure 6C. The mean and standard deviation of 3 independent experiments are represented.