Chromocataclysm in CK-AML. (A) Circos plot of a chromocataclysm rearrangement in CK2-Mut and noncomplex rearrangements in CK6-Wt, CK7-Wt, and CK9-Wt. A clustering of breakends is preserved at all 3 stages of magnification shown here for case CK2-Mut. The clustering is here shown at full chromosome view on the left to increasing levels of magnifications in the middle and to the right indicating a chromocataclysm like pattern. Numbers indicate position on the chromosome in megabases. CK7-Wt and CK9-Wt have a similar BND connecting chromosomes 19 and 11. (B) Detailed view of some of the most complex regions that are involved in the chromocataclysm rearrangement of Chr15 and Chr16 in CK2-Mut, illustrating the extreme local complexity of CNVs and breakends. Bars show the local CN of the involved fragments. Blue: CN loss (CN < 1.7). Gray: CN stable (CN 1.7 ≤ x ≤ 2.3). Red: CN gain (CN > 2.3). Black lines show translocations (breakends on 2 different chromosomes), blue lines show inversions (breakends on the same chromosome). Dots connecting the displayed regions represent regions that are due to the complexity of the rearrangement not shown here. If breakends from the displayed regions projected to the nondisplayed regions, connections were still shown here by blue or black lines.