Identification of fusion transcripts. (A) Illustration of the fusion transcript detection pipeline, starting with integrating matching fusion transcript calls from JAFFA (Illumina RNA and ONTdirect cDNA data set) and filtering them by applying the criterion of 2 corresponding SV breakends to each identified fusion transcript. (B) Two fusion transcripts that were identified in RNA sequencing data set and also present matching genomic BNDs. The USP7/MVD fusion transcript was created by including the transcription start site (TSS) of USP7 next to the TSS of MVD, without disrupting MVD open reading frame. The fusion transcript was likely generated owing to a use of USP7 TSS and subsequent splicing-out of the first exon of MVD. TSSs are represented by black arrows; the genomic BNDs are marked by a blue arrow; and regions where the point of exon fusion was identified by JAFFA are marked with green arrows. (C) Cell culture growth of the NIH3T3 cell line transfected with a retroviral vector containing the USP7/MVD fusion transcript vs NIH3T3 cell line containing an empty vector. (D) Western blot results of the USP7/MVD fusion transcript compared with empty vector results.