Intratumor heterogeneity and cell type assignment of MLL-r samples. (A) UMAP embedding of all AML samples colored by patient. (B) UMAP embedding colored by cell types determined from marker gene expression. AML cells form separate clusters for each patient whereas nonmalignant cell types from different samples cluster together. (C) UMAP embedding colored by ploidy with AML cells annotated as aneuploid (red) and microenvironment cells as diploid (cyan). (D) UMAP embedding of AML cells colored by cell type prediction with the SingleR annotation software package against the Human Cell Atlas as reference data set. (E) Pie charts of predicted cell type composition for AML cell clusters. (F) Violin plots of myeloid cell signature module scores according to supplemental Table 2 for AML cell clusters. c1, cluster1; and c2, cluster2.