Phenotypes of neutrophil recovery following CAR T-cell therapy. Left panel: Quick recovery is defined as sustained neutrophil recovery without a second dip below an ANC <1000/µL. Intermittent neutrophil recovery (ANC >1500/µl) is followed by a second dip with an ANC <1000/µL after day 21. Aplastic is continuous severe neutropenia (ANC <500/µL) ≥14 days. (Adapted with permission from Rejeski et al., Blood. 2021.8 ) Right panel: Pie chart shows the relative distribution of neutrophil recovery phenotypes in a cohort of 344 relapsed/refractory LBCL patients treated with axi-cel or tisa-cel in a real-world setting. The duration of severe neutropenia (ANC <500/µL) during the first 60 days following CAR-T infusion is shown on the bottom. (Adapted with permission from Rejeski et al., ASH annual meeting 2022, abstract number 198721 ). ANC, absolute neutrophil count.