E-cadherin is expressed in the erythroid lineage in the rat BM. (A) Representative IHC staining for E-cadherin (brown) on healthy rat BM sections. (B) Zoom in of healthy rat BM. IHC staining indicates E-cadherin (brown) cell surface expression. (C) Flow cytometry plot, used to define erythroid differentiation stages (BFU-E; Burst-forming unit-erythroid, CFU-E; Colony-forming unit-erythroid) based on CD71 and CD235a surface expression in BM aspirate of a healthy individual, used to accordingly define E-cadherin cell surface expression. (D) Sorting strategy of rat CD71+ and CD71− rat BM cell population within living singlets. Representative benzidine stained cytospins of sorted CD71+ rat BM cells indicates that the majority of sorted cells represent basophilic erythroblasts (scale bar; 20µm). (E) Western blot of sorted CD71+ and CD71− rat BM cells showing E-cadherin is expressed in CD71+ but not CD71− cells (n = 3). (F) Western blot analysis showing E-cadherin protein expression in rat lung and small intestine material as well as sorted CD71+ rat erythroblasts.