STRING analysis of significantly differentially expressed proteins comparing st-FL and nt-FL samples as well as st-FL and tFL samples. Different significantly disturbed cellular pathways identified in the STRING analysis based on (A) input of 242 proteins significantly differentially expressed at P < .05 comparing nt-FL and st-FL samples. The groups contain proteins belonging to apoptotic signaling, the cytoskeleton, cell cycle signaling, and the immune system. (B) Input of the 800 proteins significantly differentially expressed at P < .05 comparing tFL and st-FL samples. The groups contain proteins belonging to the immune system, energy metabolism, cell cycle, cellular growth and activation, and the cytoskeleton. Nodes represent proteins and edges visualize interactions. The different cellular pathways visualized were significantly disturbed in the STRING analysis. Yellow indicates proteins involved in said pathway; blue, protein not involved in the pathway. ATP, adenosine triphosphate; GTPase, guanosine triphosphatase.