Protein profiles enable complete separation of diagnostic st-FL samples and high-grade tFL samples. (A) Differentially expressed proteins comparing diagnostic st-FL and transformed high-grade tFL samples. The x-axis represents the fold changes as transformed by log2(tFL/st-FL); thus, red dots mark upregulated proteins at P < .05 and a fold change >20%, whereas green dots mark downregulated proteins at P < .05 and a fold change <20%. To allow for better visualization of highly significant data points, the negative logarithm (log10) of the P values are plotted on the y-axis. Horizontal lines mark P values of P < .05 and P < .01, respectively. Vertical dashed lines mark proteins with fold changes of at least 20%. (B) 3D PCA with input of significantly differentially expressed proteins at P < .05 comparing st-FL and tFL samples. (C) 3D PCA with input of differentially expressed proteins at P < .01 comparing st-FL and tFL samples. (D) Hierarchal clustering based on significantly differentially expressed proteins at P < .05 comparing st-FL and tFL samples.