Hemizygous expression of Uba1M41L in a myeloid cell line models the biochemical, morphological, and inflammatory features of VEXAS syndrome. (A) Schematic depiction of the knock-in strategy used for generation of isogenic 32D cell lines with hemizygous expression of Uba1WT and Uba1M41L. (B) Proliferation of 32D cells with hemizygous expression of Uba1WT and Uba1M41L after 3-day stimulation with IL-3. A single representative experiment (left, mean ± standard deviation [SD] of 3 technical replicates) and calculated 50% effective concentration (EC50) values (right, mean ± SD of 3 biological replicates) are shown. Statistical significance was determined using a 2-tailed unpaired t test with Welch correction. (C) Immunoblot for UBA1, ubiquitin (Poly-Ub), and UBA6 proteins in 32D cells with hemizygous expression of Uba1WT and Uba1M41L. Relative positions of UBA1a, UBA1b, and UBA1c protein isoforms are indicated in red lettering. Immunoblot for vinculin (VINC) was performed as a protein loading control. (D) Images of Hema 3–stained cytospin preparations of Uba1WT and Uba1M41L 32D cells. Scale bar, 50 μm. (E) Transmission electron microscopy images of Uba1WT (left) and Uba1M41L (middle and right) 32D cells. Arrow indicates vacuole depicted in right image. Scale bar, 500 nm. (F) Volcano plot showing differential cytokine secretion by unstimulated 32D Uba1WT and Uba1M41L cells. Three biological replicates of 2 single-cell clones per genotype were analyzed by multiplex cytokine assay in duplicate. Statistical significance was determined using multiple Mann-Whitney tests corrected by the Benjamini, Krieger, and Yekutieli false discover rate method. FC, fold change; WT, wild-type.