N-motif–positive cells can be outcompeted by N-motif–negative cells. (A) Stacked bar plot showing proportions of N-motif–positive tumor cells with the N-motif of the dominant tumor clone (dominant N-motif, red), N-motif–positive tumor cells with a different acquired N-motif (with a different amino acid sequence and/or location) compared with that of the dominant tumor clone (nondominant N-motif, green), and N-motif–negative tumor cells (blue) across multiple tumor sites and time points for patient 04. N-motif–positive cells can harbor N-motifs in the heavy and/or light chains. (B) Phylogenetic trees inferred for patient 04 by using the patient’s single-cell heavy chain BCR sequences. Only tumor subclones with at least 18 cells are included. Each circle displays a specific tumor subclone, with the size of circle representing the number of tumor cells within each subclone. Subclones are colored according to the tumor site (top) and N-motif status (bottom). N-motif–positive subclones are divided into subclones with N-motifs of the dominant tumor clone (dominant N-motif, red) and cells with a different acquired N-motifs (nondominant N-motif, green) compared with that of the dominant clone. N-motif–positive cells harbor N-motifs in the heavy and/or light chains. Numbers on branches indicate that >1 mutation separates 1 subclone from the other. Gray circles represent inferred tumor subclones.