Aged hematopoietic stem cells exhibit compromised mobility of FUS. (A) Representative western blot showing the expression of FUS in young and aged HSCs. Freshly isolated 20 000 CD34– LSK (Lineage− Sca-1+ c-Kit+, hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell-enriched population) cells from young (2 months) and aged (24-28 months) wild-type (WT) mice were lysed in 2 × sodium dodecyl sulfate loading buffer. Lysis was completed by sonication, denatured by boiling, and subjected to a western blot assay to detect FUS. (B) Representative western blot showing the expression of FUS in FUS-overexpressed LSK cells. Freshly isolated LSK cells from young (2 months) WT mice were infected by FUS-carrying lentivirus (Fus OE) and empty vector (EV), and 3 days later, 105 GFP+ cells were purified for western blot assay with indicated antibodies. (C) Experimental design of a competitive transplantation assay for FUS-overexpressed HSCs. Freshly isolated 105 LSK cells from young WT mice (2 months) were infected by FUS-carrying lentivirus (Fus OE). Three days later, 2000 GFP+ Sca-1+CD48– cells were purified and transplanted into lethally irradiated recipients (CD45.2) together with 3.5 × 105 competitor cells (CD45.1). Secondary transplantation was performed by using 2 × 106 total BM cells from the primary recipients. Chimera in peripheral blood was evaluated every 4 weeks until the 16th week. (D) These line plots depict the percentage of donor-derived cells (overall, B cell, T cell, myeloid cell) in peripheral blood of primary recipients at indicated time points. Refer to supplemental Figure 1E. N = 8 recipients per group, data are shown as mean ± SEM. (E) The histogram depicts the lineage distribution of donor-derived peripheral blood cells at the 16th week. N = 8 recipients per group, data are shown as mean ± SEM. Refer to supplemental Figure 1F. (F) Experimental design of competitive transplantation assay. Freshly isolated 105 LSK cells from young (2 months) and aged (18 months) WT mice were infected by shFus-carrying lentivirus, which is labeled by mCherry fluorescence. Three days later, 2000 mCherry+Sca-1+CD48– cells were purified and transplanted into lethally irradiated recipients (CD45.2) together with 3.5 × 105 competitor cells (CD45.1). Chimera in peripheral blood was evaluated every 4 weeks until the 16th week. (G) Representative western blot showing the knockdown efficiency of shRNA against Fus. Freshly isolated 2 × 104 HSCs (mCherry+ CD48– LSK) from the recipients of panel F at the end of the 16th week after transplantation (left) and 2 × 104 cultured mCherry+ LSK from young WT mice (right) were lysed for western blot assay with indicated antibodies. (H) These line plots depict the percentage of donor-derived cells (overall, B cell, T cell, myeloid cell) in peripheral blood of primary recipients at indicated timepoints. N = 7 recipients per group, data are shown as mean ± SEM. (I) The histogram depicts the lineage distribution of donor–derived peripheral blood cells at the 16th week. N = 7 recipients per group, data are shown as mean ± SEM. (J) Representative fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) images show the fluorescence recovery of FUS condensates in cytoplasm of HSCs (CD34–LSK) from young (2 months) and aged (18 months) Fus-gfp mice after 0.5 mM ARS treatment for 6 hours. Scale bar represents 2 μm. Refer to supplemental Video 1. (K) The line plot depicts the recovery rate of FUS condensates in young (N = 21) and aged (N = 26) HSCs of panel J at indicated time points. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. (L) The histograms depict the mobile fraction (71.5% vs 28.7%) and T-half (4.3% vs 54.4%) of young and aged HSCs. T-half is the half-maximal recovery time. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. (M) Representative FRAP images show the fluorescence recovery of FUS condensates in the cytoplasm of shCtl-young, shCtl-aged, and shFUS-aged LSK cells after 0.5 mM ARS treatment for 6 hours. (N) The line plot depicts the recovery rate of FUS condensates in shCtl-young (N = 21), shCtl-aged (N = 15), and shFUS-aged (N = 13) LSK cells of panel M at indicated time points. (O) The histograms depict mobile fraction and T-half of shCtl-young, shCtl-aged, and shFUS-aged LSK cells. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. SEM, standard error of the mean. Freshly isolated 2 × 104 HSCs (mCherry+ CD48– LSK) from the recipients of panel F at the end of the 16th week after transplantation (left) and 2 × 104 cultured mCherry+ LSK from young WT mice (right) were lysed for western blot assay with indicated antibodies. Freshly isolated 2 × 104 HSCs (mCherry+ CD48– LSK) from the recipients of panel F at the end of the 16th week after transplantation (left) and 2 × 104 cultured mCherry+ LSK from young WT mice (right) were lysed for western blot assay with indicated antibodies. GFP, green fluorescent protein.