Figure 2.
GATA2 IHC in adult MDS. (A-C) Representative fields of GATA2 IHC in adult MDS bone marrow involved by (A) MDS-multilineage dysplasia (MLD), (B) MDS-EB1, and (C) MDS-EB2 (DAB and hematoxylin; original magnification ×400). (C) GATA2+ mononuclear cells in MDS-EB2 (DAB and hematoxylin; original magnification ×400). (D) Representative megakaryocytes in MDS, showing both GATA2+ and GATA2− examples (DAB and hematoxylin; original magnification ×400). (E-G) Percent bone marrow blasts and percent GATA2+ bone marrow mononuclear cells (n = 47). (H-I) Relationship between GATA2+ cells and (H) myeloid dysplasia (n = 46) and (I) complex cytogenetics (n = 47) in MDS. (J) Percent of representative cells positive for indicated marker, which are also GATA2+ by dual IHC in MDS-EB2 (n = 5). Error bars = SEM; ∗P < .05 and ∗∗∗P < .005.

GATA2 IHC in adult MDS. (A-C) Representative fields of GATA2 IHC in adult MDS bone marrow involved by (A) MDS-multilineage dysplasia (MLD), (B) MDS-EB1, and (C) MDS-EB2 (DAB and hematoxylin; original magnification ×400). (C) GATA2+ mononuclear cells in MDS-EB2 (DAB and hematoxylin; original magnification ×400). (D) Representative megakaryocytes in MDS, showing both GATA2+ and GATA2 examples (DAB and hematoxylin; original magnification ×400). (E-G) Percent bone marrow blasts and percent GATA2+ bone marrow mononuclear cells (n = 47). (H-I) Relationship between GATA2+ cells and (H) myeloid dysplasia (n = 46) and (I) complex cytogenetics (n = 47) in MDS. (J) Percent of representative cells positive for indicated marker, which are also GATA2+ by dual IHC in MDS-EB2 (n = 5). Error bars = SEM; ∗P < .05 and ∗∗∗P < .005.

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