Automated patient profile. The patient profile is divided into 4 main parts. In the upper left part, the patient and tumor characteristics at inclusion are described. In the upper right part, the involvements (nodal and extra-nodal) at diagnosis are reported. Red circles are automatically located on the man/woman (depending on patient’s sex) to represent nodal involvements. Nodal involvements reported in the “other” section of the eCRF appear in the red box in the upper right part. Extra-nodal involvements are detailed in the blue box in the lower right part. In the graph on the left, the longitudinal information per line(s) of treatment is indicated, with a gray horizontal bar per line of treatment (the treatment cycles are symbolized by black vertical lines), with the evaluations of the responses (circle above the line with color code according to the response: green for complete response, light green for partial response, orange for stable disease, and red for progressive disease) and the events (progression [inverted red triangle], adverse events [red cross, not present for this patient], and death [crossed out circle]). Note: all colors and symbols are not depicted in this patient profile example. Finally, in the lower right part, follow-up information is reported.