The combination of human chimerism in the PB, PLT count, and time after transplantation can predict human chimerism in the BM. (A) Human chimerism in the murine BM over time. A sigmoidal curve was fitted to the data points. (B) Human chimerism (human CD45+ cells of human and mouse CD45+ cells) in the murine BM at necropsy. A hyperbolic curve was fitted to the data points. (C) PLT count from the PB over time. The curve represents the mean values of each time point; n = 24. (D) Relationship between human chimerism in the PB and the PLT count at necropsy. Linear regression (r = –0.72, P < .0001). (E) Relationship between human chimerism in the BM and the PLT count at necropsy. A second order polynomial curve was fitted to the data points. The legend shows days after injection. The gray shades in panels C through E show the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the PLT counts of 37 control animals (mean, 1408.2 ± 406.3).