(A) Representation of the MS assays, highlighting their differences. (B) Interaction of FLC-MS response at 12 months with standard amyloid hematologic response. N represents the total sample size from which the bar chart percent is calculated. Based on the study by Bomsztyk et al.1 (C) Interaction of FLC-MS response with standard amyloid hematologic response at 12 months, and 5-year overall survival among patients. Based on data from the study by Bomsztyk et al.1 (D) Relative performance of FLC-MS, Mass-Fix, and Mass-Fix plus nephelometric FLC ratio. Note the single Mass-Fix κ adjudicated as λ was actually a biclonal IgG κ plus free λ. Based on data from the study by Sepiashvili et al.10 CR, complete hematologic response; ISA, International Society of Amyloidosis; MALDI, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization; NA, not available; neg, negative; OS, overall survival; pos, positive; PR, partial response; VGPR, very good partial response.