Figure 3.
Change in hemoglobin content in surviving BioRBCs compared with whole blood. (A) Change in % sickle, fetal, or C hemoglobin as performed by high performance liquid chromatography in the participants with SCD pretransplant in reticulocytes, whole blood, and the biotin-positive fraction sorted by flow cytometry at the time of product infusion and near the end of the RBC lifespan. (B-C) Change in % sickle or adult hemoglobin in the participants with SCD who underwent HSCT and had full DMC (B) or mixed chimerism (C). (D) Single cell Western analysis demonstrating single cell proportion of HbA to HbS of the biotin-positive fraction after sorting compared to the biotin negative fraction on the 2 participants with HbSS post-HSCT with mixed donor chimerism. ∗Participants on HU.