Representative sickling curves. The fraction sickled vs time after the start of deoxygenation with nitrogen to 5% oxygen is shown for blood samples from: 1 participant with HbSS pretransplant (red points) (0080-27), 1 participant with HbSS posttransplant with 28% donor chimerism (green points) (0080-18), 1 participant with HbSS posttransplant with 100% donor chimerism (blue points) (0080-26), and the average for 8 participants treated with HbAT87Q globin addition (purple points) as previously published.17 The error bars represent 1 standard deviation from the average value at each time point for the 8 patients and are primarily due to differences in chimerism among the patients and are not the result of error in the experimental measurements or variation of the sickling curves for the individual patients. Only curves for the patients following 6 months or more after transplant were included, because it requires 6 months for the hemoglobin composition of the whole blood to stabilize.