Figure 3.
Changes from baseline in markers of iron homeostasis with treatment with mitapivat in the ACTIVATE/LTE trial. (A) Hepcidin, (B) erythroferrone, (C) sTfR, (D) LIC by MRI, (E) erythropoietin, and (F) reticulocyte percentage. The baseline for LIC by MRI is defined as the last assessment before randomization for patients randomized and not dosed, or the last assessment before the start of study treatment for patients randomized and dosed. The baseline for the other parameters is defined as the average of all screening assessments within 45 (42 + 3) days before randomization for patients randomized and not dosed, or before the start of study treatment for patients randomized and dosed. Assessments collected within 61 days after a transfusion were excluded from the baseline derivation. n is the number of patients in the full analysis set within each treatment group who had an assessment at the visit or who (for the summaries of change from baseline) had a baseline assessment and ≥1 postbaseline assessment at the visit. 95% CI was calculated based on t-distribution. BL, baseline.

Changes from baseline in markers of iron homeostasis with treatment with mitapivat in the ACTIVATE/LTE trial. (A) Hepcidin, (B) erythroferrone, (C) sTfR, (D) LIC by MRI, (E) erythropoietin, and (F) reticulocyte percentage. The baseline for LIC by MRI is defined as the last assessment before randomization for patients randomized and not dosed, or the last assessment before the start of study treatment for patients randomized and dosed. The baseline for the other parameters is defined as the average of all screening assessments within 45 (42 + 3) days before randomization for patients randomized and not dosed, or before the start of study treatment for patients randomized and dosed. Assessments collected within 61 days after a transfusion were excluded from the baseline derivation. n is the number of patients in the full analysis set within each treatment group who had an assessment at the visit or who (for the summaries of change from baseline) had a baseline assessment and ≥1 postbaseline assessment at the visit. 95% CI was calculated based on t-distribution. BL, baseline.

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