Figure 1.
Flow cytometric detection of NETosis in whole blood from patients with iTTP and non-TTP controls. (A-C) The gating profiles and percentage of H3Cit+MPO+ neutrophils (Q2) in unstimulated samples from non-TTP controls, patients with acute iTTP on admission, and those following therapy, respectively. (D-F) The gating profile and percentage of H3Cit+MPO+ neutrophils (Q2) in Stx-2-stimulated blood samples from non-TTP controls, patients with iTTP on admission, and patients with iTTP following therapy, respectively. (G) Quantitation and statistical analysis of H3Cit+MPO+ neutrophils in unstimulated neutrophil collected from control, iTTP on admission, and iTTP after therapy. (H) Individual plasma MPO level in patients with acute iTTP and during remission. (I-K) (paired t test). The effects of Stx-2 on the percentage of H3Cit+MPO+ neutrophils in non-TTP controls, patients with iTTP on admission, and those following therapy, respectively. Kruskal-Willis test was performed in panel A and Mann-Whitney test in panels I-K. The data shown are individual values (dots), median (bar), and interquartile range (IQR) (G-K). n.s., ∗, and ∗∗ indicates P > 0.05, P < 0.05, and P < 0.01, respectively.