Establishing clonal relationship between NK cell developmental stages by DNA barcode tracing. (A) Schematic summary of experimental outline: Lin−CD34+ cells transduced with barcode libraries were allowed for in vitro differentiation for 4 weeks followed by barcode recovery from generated progeny through sequencing. (B) Bar graph represents total number of unique clones recovered for each sorted populations after culture. (C) Matrix of Pearson correlations of clonal composition between samples. (D) Correlation plot with dendrogram by Manhattan distance of clonal composition between samples. (E) Principal coordinate analysis displayed variability for overall clonal content in each sample. (F) Heat map illustrates the distribution of the proportions of the top 10 clones recovered from each sample. (G) Triangular plot of clonal bias distribution between CD56+ subsets. Each clone is placed according to its generated proportions between 3 populations (NK3, NK4, and ILC3), and clone size is determined by its contribution in the total clones obtained within 1 experiment. Results from 1 representative experiment.