Associations between driver gene mutations, cytogenetics, and patient characteristics. Associations were studied for driver gene mutations found in ≥20 patients, and statistical significance was assessed using the Fisher exact test for categorical variables and the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables, with adjustment for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg method. Only those pairings that were significant at an adjusted q < .1 are shown. The odds ratio of the association is color coded, and the significance level is indicated by the symbol in each field. Orange and red colors indicate a positive association (ie, 2 characteristics that frequently occurred together in the same patient, or for the association between a mutation and a continuous variable, a higher value in those carrying the mutation). Blue colors indicate a negative association (ie, 2 characteristics that rarely occurred together in the same patient, or for the association between a mutation and a continuous variable, a lower value in those carrying the mutation). (A) Pairwise associations between gene mutations and clinical patient characteristics. (B) Pairwise associations between gene mutations and cytogenetic findings. (C) Pairwise associations among gene mutations.