In vivo antitumor potency of T2-, lytic- and BR-EBVSTs in a human cell line–derived xenograft murine model. LCLs (2.5 × 106) expressing green fluorescent protein–firefly luciferase (GFP-ff-luc) from a retrovirus vector were suspended in 200 μL Matrigel and injected subcutaneously into NSG mice; 10 days later, when tumors were palpable, 1 × 106 autologous T2-, lytic-, or BR-EBVSTs were infused by tail vein injection. Sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; 200 μL) were injected in the control group, (n = 4 per group for control and lytic-EBVSTs; n = 5 per group for T2- and BR-EBVSTs). (A) Bioluminescence imaging of GFP-ff-luc expressing LCLs at the time points indicated after EBVST injection (dorsal imaging of the mice). (B) Radiance flux for tumor bioluminescence. (C) Palpable tumor volume was measured using calipers. For panels B-C, statistical analysis was performed using multiple t test analyses using the Holm-Šídák method, P < .05 (P = .12 [ns, nonsignificant], ∗P = .033, ∗∗P = .002, and ∗∗∗P < .001). Data shown are plotted as mean ± SEM. (D) Bioluminescence imaging of tumors (ventral side imaging). Human cytokines (E) GM-CSF, (F) IFN-y (G) IL-10, and (H) TNF-α were measured in murine plasma on days 3 and 8 after T-cell adoptive transfer from the mice receiving PBS (control), T2-, lytic-, and BR-EBVSTs. Box and whisker plots showing the minimum to maximum concentration (pg/mL) of human cytokines; 2-way analysis of variance multiple comparisons with Dunnett correction were used for the cytokine concentration analysis. P < .05 (P = .12 [ns, nonsignificant], ∗P = .033, ∗∗P = .002, and ∗∗∗P < .001).