Baseline and longitudinal mIDH1 VAF and clinical response. Association of NGS-assessed baseline mIDH1 VAF with response in the efficacy analysis set (A; N = 18) and longitudinal mIDH1 VAF as measured in BMMCs or PBMCs, stratified by BOR (B; N = 18). For panel A, please note: PB data are only plotted for patients who did not have BM samples available. Of 18 patients, 4 had NGS results available for BM only, 3 had NGS results available for PB only, and the remaining 11 had results available for both sample types. For panel B, please note: baseline mIDH1 VAF is plotted in gray, and the minimum posttreatment mIDH1 VAF is plotted in orange (indicating persistent mIDH1) or cyan (for mIDH1 clearance, defined as having a measured VAF below the validated LOD of the assay, which was 0.02%). Data are stratified by BOR and sample type. Lines connect pretreatment and posttreatment data for patients with data available. BM, bone marrow; BMMCs, bone marrow mononuclear cells; BOR, best overall response; LOD, limit of detection; NGS, next-generation sequencing; PB, peripheral blood; PBMCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PDis, progressive disease; SD, stable disease; Tx, treatment.