Figure 5.
Forest plot of odds of SN ascertainment by source. ORs and 95% CIs derived from multivariable polychotomous generalized estimating equations models accounting for within-person correlation due to patients having >1 SN type. Other and unknown race includes Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander and American Indian/Alaska Native patients. Center volume is defined as the number of alloHCTs performed at each center using information in the CIBMTR database and grouped into tertiles (low, <140; medium, 140-459; high, ≥460).14 For SNs reported by both sources, date of SN and interval between HCT and SN are based on the earlier reported SN (if dates differed between CCR and CIBMTR).

Forest plot of odds of SN ascertainment by source. ORs and 95% CIs derived from multivariable polychotomous generalized estimating equations models accounting for within-person correlation due to patients having >1 SN type. Other and unknown race includes Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander and American Indian/Alaska Native patients. Center volume is defined as the number of alloHCTs performed at each center using information in the CIBMTR database and grouped into tertiles (low, <140; medium, 140-459; high, ≥460).14 For SNs reported by both sources, date of SN and interval between HCT and SN are based on the earlier reported SN (if dates differed between CCR and CIBMTR).

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