Figure 2.
Patient and component factors affecting 2-hour CCI. Mean 2-hour posttransfusion CCI with 95% confidence interval (y-axis) by patient (A) or component factors (B) analyzed (x-axis); n denotes the number of transfusions affected by the given variable. For time since first HLA-selected component and ratio of HLA-selected products to randomly selected apheresis platelet transfusions (RAP) in previous transfusions, given thresholds were divided by the median values. ∗∗Indicate variables that were statistically significant in univariate and multivariate analyses. ∗Highlights variables that were statistically significant by univariate analysis alone. DSA-MFI impact on CCI is not included in this figure.
HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplant; PAS, platelet additive solution.