Figure 1.
Timing of investigations and complement inhibitor treatment for patients with CM-TMA. The red line denotes the duration and timing of eculizumab or ravulizumab treatment in relation to when the diagnosis of CM-TMA was made. Asterisks (∗) identify the timing of the first study visit and tildes (∼) refer to the timing of the follow-up visit. The arrowheads indicate ongoing treatment. For patient 5, the time of diagnosis refers to the initial diagnosis of TTP (before kidney transplant), as this was likely unrecognized CM-TMA.

Timing of investigations and complement inhibitor treatment for patients with CM-TMA. The red line denotes the duration and timing of eculizumab or ravulizumab treatment in relation to when the diagnosis of CM-TMA was made. Asterisks (∗) identify the timing of the first study visit and tildes (∼) refer to the timing of the follow-up visit. The arrowheads indicate ongoing treatment. For patient 5, the time of diagnosis refers to the initial diagnosis of TTP (before kidney transplant), as this was likely unrecognized CM-TMA.

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