Figure 3.
Clauss activity and MS fibrinogen levels correlate poorly with coagulopathy (Coag.), shock, and tissue injury. (A) Scatterplot of Spearman rho correlation values by P value for patients with/without coagulopathy, shock, or tissue injury, and (B) Spearman rho correlation and P values for associated groups. (C-H) Box plot comparisons of Clauss fibrinogen activity and MS fibrinogen levels by (C-D) tissue injury, (E-F) shock, and (G-H) coagulopathy upon ED arrival. Significance determined as ∗P < .05, ∗∗∗∗P < .005 by Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

Clauss activity and MS fibrinogen levels correlate poorly with coagulopathy (Coag.), shock, and tissue injury. (A) Scatterplot of Spearman rho correlation values by P value for patients with/without coagulopathy, shock, or tissue injury, and (B) Spearman rho correlation and P values for associated groups. (C-H) Box plot comparisons of Clauss fibrinogen activity and MS fibrinogen levels by (C-D) tissue injury, (E-F) shock, and (G-H) coagulopathy upon ED arrival. Significance determined as ∗P < .05, ∗∗∗∗P < .005 by Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

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