Figure 1.
Significant differences in performance on the D-KEFS and BRIEF between participants with HA and controls. (A-B) Two verbal fluency measures from the D-KEFS were significantly worse in the HA cohort than in healthy controls: (A) total switching accuracy (P = .003) and (B) category switching total count (P = .004). Higher scores reflect better performance. (C-E) The BRIEF measure BRI and 2 of its subscales were significantly worse in the HA cohort than in healthy controls: (C) BRI (P = .002) and the (D) emotional control (P = .009) and (E) inhibit (P < .001) subscales. Higher scores reflect more concerns. The open black circle represents the mean and error bars 95% CI. ∗∗P < .01; ∗∗∗P < .001.

Significant differences in performance on the D-KEFS and BRIEF between participants with HA and controls. (A-B) Two verbal fluency measures from the D-KEFS were significantly worse in the HA cohort than in healthy controls: (A) total switching accuracy (P = .003) and (B) category switching total count (P = .004). Higher scores reflect better performance. (C-E) The BRIEF measure BRI and 2 of its subscales were significantly worse in the HA cohort than in healthy controls: (C) BRI (P = .002) and the (D) emotional control (P = .009) and (E) inhibit (P < .001) subscales. Higher scores reflect more concerns. The open black circle represents the mean and error bars 95% CI. ∗∗P < .01; ∗∗∗P < .001.

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