Figure 4.
Brain volume-function relationships between participants with HA and controls. Cerebellar GM is on the x-axis, and the executive function measures total switching accurate (A), category switching: total correct (B), and BRI (C) are on the y-axis. The HA cohort is shown in red and healthy controls in blue. The regression slopes of the HA cohort and healthy controls are significantly different (for panel A, P < .05). In addition, children with HA predominantly fall within the lower left quadrant: smaller cerebellar GM volumes and lower D-KEFS switching scores (for panel A, P < .01 and for panel B, P < .01). Children with HA predominantly fall within the upper left quadrant: smaller cerebellar GM volumes and higher (ie, worse) BRI scores (for panel C, P < .001). The shaded areas represent 95% CIs. Results were adjusted for age. GM, gray matter.

Brain volume-function relationships between participants with HA and controls. Cerebellar GM is on the x-axis, and the executive function measures total switching accurate (A), category switching: total correct (B), and BRI (C) are on the y-axis. The HA cohort is shown in red and healthy controls in blue. The regression slopes of the HA cohort and healthy controls are significantly different (for panel A, P < .05). In addition, children with HA predominantly fall within the lower left quadrant: smaller cerebellar GM volumes and lower D-KEFS switching scores (for panel A, P < .01 and for panel B, P < .01). Children with HA predominantly fall within the upper left quadrant: smaller cerebellar GM volumes and higher (ie, worse) BRI scores (for panel C, P < .001). The shaded areas represent 95% CIs. Results were adjusted for age. GM, gray matter.

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