Figure 4.
Analytical scheme of the final fitted model in both the upper and lower domains of PLT data. The top panel shows a plot of log PLTs vs log PLTs of the previous day for the lower domain (left panel) and the upper domain (right panel). The dotted line is the fitted value of log PLTs without correcting for the effect of the TLCs. The dotted line in the lower domain is plotted using the parameter estimates in Table 1; however, the dotted line in the upper regime is plotted based on the results of fitting a linear regression to the observations in the plot. The open circles represent observations whose log TLCs are less than or equal to their overall mean value of 2.1. The solid circles represent the observations whose log TLCs are above their overall mean value of 2.1. The dotted line is the fitted line of log PLTs when log TLCs are fixed at 1.814, the mean value of the observations indicated in open circles. The solid line is the fitted line of log PLTs when log TLCs are fixed at 2.453, the mean value of the observations indicated in solid circles. The bottom panel shows a contour plot illustrating the effect of lag-1 log PLT and log TLC on the difference between the fitted value of log PLT and lag-1 log PLT, in the upper domain. In the upper domain, controlling for lag-1 log PLT (ie, for a fixed value of lag-1 log PLT), as log TLC increases, the expected difference between the fitted value of log PLT and lag-1 PLT increases and is positive.