Degradation of TM536 by ERAD. (A) His-tagged CS-TM536 was overexpressed with inactive (−) or active (+) RHBDL2, soluble TM was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography from CM, and TM and HSPA5 were detected by immunoblot. (B) The TM-HSPA5 complex was detected by ELISA in the plasma from TM536 patients (patients) and healthy participants (controls). (C) Cells overexpressing TMWT or TM536 were treated or not with MG (5 μM; 17 hours) then TM in cell lystates was detected by immunoblot. (D) Cells overexpressing TM536 were treated with MG, cell lysates were deglycosylated with EndoH, and TM was detected by immunoblot. (E) TM detected by immunoblot in lysates of HUVEC and HUVEC536 treated with MG (5 μM; 17 hours; GAPDH, loading control). (F) Cells overexpressing TMWT or TM536 were treated with CL (10 μM; 17 hours) and MG, and TM was detected by immunoblot of cell lysates. (G) Cells overexpressing TMWT or TM536 were treated with CL, and then TM in CM and cell lysates were measured by ELISA. Values are mean ± SD expressed as fold change compared with TMWT without CL. Statistical analyses were performed using the Mann-Whitney test. ∗∗P < .01. Arrowheads on overexposed blots (OE) indicate bands that appear with MG132 treatment. MG, MG132.