Viral infections do not change the cell densities of neoplastic CD30high cells. (A) A representative hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) image showing a binucleated HRS (top arrow) and a mummified (bottom arrow) cell in an EBV tissue (donor 16) (left). Representative fluorescence image of CD30high (cyan) staining in an EBV tissue (donor 17). Nuclei were visualized with DAPI. Inset shows a CD30high multinuclear HRS cell (right). (B) Bar graphs showing the cell densities (left) and frequencies (right) of CD30high cells in the 3 clinical pathological subgroups. (C) Representative fluorescence image of CD30high (cyan), Pax5high (yellow), and CXCR5high (magenta) staining in a NI tissue (donor 6). Nuclei were visualized with DAPI. Insets show CD30negPax5high (top) and CD30highPax5dimCXCR5high multinucleated HRS (bottom) cells. (D) Bar graphs depicting the cell densities (left) and frequencies (right) of CD30highPax5dim cells in the 3 clinical pathological subgroups. (E) Bar graphs depicting the cell densities (left) and frequencies (right) of CD30highPax5dimCXCR5high cells in the 3 clinical pathological subgroups. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney test for panels B,D-E, and P values were corrected using FDR correction with q of 0.05.