Similar spatial distribution between HRS and effector CD8, macrophages in EBV and HIV/EBV cHL TME. (A) Representative fluorescence images of CD30 (green) and CD163 (red) in a NI (donor 4) and a HIV/EBV (donor 22) tissue. Nuclei are visualized with DAPI. (B) Representative fluorescence images of CD30 (green), CD8 (red), and GrzB (green) in a NI (donor 4) and a HIV/EBV donor (donor 16). Nuclei were visualized with DAPI. (C) Bar graphs showing mean distances (in microns) between CD30high and CD163high cells (left) and between CD30high and CD8high or GrzBhighCD8high T cells (right). (D) Bar graphs showing mean cell counts of CD163high, CD8high, and GrzBhighCD8high T cells in a 50-μm radius around CD30high cells. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney test, and P values were corrected using FDR correction with q of 0.05, for multiple comparisons. P values without correction are shown for the comparisons between bulk CD8high and GrzBhigh CD8high T cells within each clinicopathological group (C, right panel).