Transcriptome profiling reveals an augmented inflammatory TME in EBV compared with NI cHL TME. (A) Scatter dot plots showing the CD30high and CD4high T-cell counts (imaging analysis) and the corresponding CD30 and CD4 gene expression in the 3 clinical pathological subgroups (top row). Scatter dot plots showing the CD8 T-cell counts (imaging analysis), and CD8A gene expression in the 3 pathological subgroups (bottom row, left). Scatterplots showing the correlation between CD4 and CD3E as well as CD8A and CD3E gene expression. (B) Volcano plot showing differentially expressed genes between the 2 pathological subgroups. (C) Heat map showing the top DEGs (upregulated, in red) in the EBV compared with NI clinical pathological subgroup. Each column represents an individual analyzed Region of Interest for a given donor (the corresponding donor number is shown below) and each row corresponds to an individual gene analyzed. (D) Volcano plot showing global pathway analysis between the NI and EBV tissues. (E) Dot plot showing specific pathways with significantly different expression between the NI and EBV cHL pathological subgroups. The size of each circle corresponds to the number of genes analyzed in a given pathway (right). All presented data were generated with the GeoMx platform. NI (n = 2) and EBV (n = 4) cHL donors were analyzed. Simple linear regression for panel A and t test for panels C,E were used for the analysis. The significance for the GeoMx data comparisons was tested by nonpaired t test. DEGs, Differentially Expressed Genes; GPCR, G Protein-Coupled Receptor; TCF, T cell factor; WNT, Wingless and Int-1.