Donor HSPCs engraft within the bone marrow organoids. (A) Confocal imaging demonstrates engraftments of CellVue-labeled donor cells: 5 × 103 CellVue-labeled CD34+ HSPCs derived from a normal bone marrow sample were coincubated with an organoid in a 96-well plate for 3 days before imaging. Arrows indicate CellVue+ cells reside within an erythroid island. (B) Confocal imaging demonstrates engraftments and focal proliferation of CellVue-labeled donor cells: 5 × 103 CellVue-labeled CD34+ HSPCs derived from a normal bone marrow sample were coincubated with an organoid in a 96-well plate for 3 days before imaging. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) 3D imaging reveals HSPCs from normal bone marrow samples engraft within the vascular niches of organoids. (D) Flow cytometry analysis of organoids engrafted with CellVue-labeled HSPCs, as in panel A. Ten organoids were pooled together for each flow cytometry assay. Non-engrafted organoids were used as controls.