Type 1 interferons (IFNαβ) promote B1b cell skewing, T-independent (TI) antibody responses, and RBC autoantibody production in SCD. Elevated B1b cells correlate with increased anti-RBC antibodies in patients with SCD. IFNαβ promote production of B1b B cells, which contribute to TI IgG antibody responses and anti-RBC antibody production in mice with SCD. Professional illustration by Somersault18:24.

Type 1 interferons (IFNαβ) promote B1b cell skewing, T-independent (TI) antibody responses, and RBC autoantibody production in SCD. Elevated B1b cells correlate with increased anti-RBC antibodies in patients with SCD. IFNαβ promote production of B1b B cells, which contribute to TI IgG antibody responses and anti-RBC antibody production in mice with SCD. Professional illustration by Somersault18:24.

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