FigureĀ 3.
Evolution of gene mutations between diagnosis and R/R disease assessed by HTS. (A-B) Evolution of gene mutations between diagnosis and R/R disease, according to the type of progression: relapse (A) or refractory disease (B) and the treatment group. Genes are organized according to their functional class. Each column represents a single patient. For each patient, the evolution of the gene status is indicated by the color of the boxes. For each gene, the number (n) and percentage (%) of patients with mutated genes at each time point are displayed on the right of the figures. (C-D) Evolution of gene mutations among patients who experienced relapse (C) or refractory disease (D), according to the treatment group. Only patients harboring FLT3-ITD mutations at diagnosis as assessed by HTS are displayed. D, diagnosis; PM, point mutations; R, relapsed (left side) or refractory disease (right side).

Evolution of gene mutations between diagnosis and R/R disease assessed by HTS. (A-B) Evolution of gene mutations between diagnosis and R/R disease, according to the type of progression: relapse (A) or refractory disease (B) and the treatment group. Genes are organized according to their functional class. Each column represents a single patient. For each patient, the evolution of the gene status is indicated by the color of the boxes. For each gene, the number (n) and percentage (%) of patients with mutated genes at each time point are displayed on the right of the figures. (C-D) Evolution of gene mutations among patients who experienced relapse (C) or refractory disease (D), according to the treatment group. Only patients harboring FLT3-ITD mutations at diagnosis as assessed by HTS are displayed. D, diagnosis; PM, point mutations; R, relapsed (left side) or refractory disease (right side).

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