Survival for relapsed and primary refractory (R/R) patients with MTCL and MNKCL who had response to second-line treatment (complete response + partial response + stable disease) comparing second-line treatment with CC vs “novel” SA with and without HSCT. Kaplan-Meier curves show survival estimates. (A) PFS since the start of second-line treatment to the start of third-line therapy, death, or lost to follow-up without counting HSCT as an event or a censoring event. (B) PFS since the start of second-line treatment to the start of third-line therapy, death, or lost to follow-up but counting HSCT as an event. (C) PFS since the start of second-line treatment to transplant, start of third-line therapy, death, or lost to follow-up with the counting of HSCT as a censoring event. (D) OS since the start of second-line treatment to death or lost to follow-up, stratified by HSCT vs no HSCT. Results depicted apply to the global data set of 397 patients for whom information on the start of second-line treatment was available and had response to second-line treatment. P values calculated by log-rank test.