RNA-seq reveals distinct changes in gene expression in the proc mutant. (A) Cluster analysis of gene expression in wild-type and proc−/− mutants at baseline and upon tail transection injury at 3 dpf. Color scale indicates log10 values. (B) Principal component analysis (PCA) 3-dimensional plot. Dots indicate biological replicates of each condition. (C) Venn diagram of the number of unique genes expressed in each condition. (D) Number of genes upregulated or downregulated between wild-type and proc−/− at baseline and after injury. (E-F) TTO assays in adgrf7 and serpina10b knockdowns. (E) sgRNAs targeting adgrf7 (arrowheads) were injected in wild-type and proc mutants, followed by laser-mediated venous endothelial injury; n = 34, 27, 35, and 33. (F) The delayed TTO in the serpina10b knockdown was only observed in wild-type larvae; n = 28, 50, 38, and 27. P values were calculated by Mann-Whitney U testing. All studies were performed by an observer blinded to genotype and treatment.