Figure 4.
CD19+ B-cell depletion and recovery kinetics. (A) The proportion of patients and corresponding CD19+ B-cell counts in complete responders at specified time points during treatment and follow-up. The median time to B-cell recovery was defined as ≥5 cells per μL as determined by time to event analysis. The median time to recover to the lower level of normal was defined as ≥70 cells per μL. B-cell recovery from the time of last treatment cycle in patients with a CR is shown at a cutoff of ≥5 cells per μL (B) and ≥70 cells per μL (C). CCOD: 2 May 2023.

CD19+ B-cell depletion and recovery kinetics. (A) The proportion of patients and corresponding CD19+ B-cell counts in complete responders at specified time points during treatment and follow-up. The median time to B-cell recovery was defined as ≥5 cells per μL as determined by time to event analysis. The median time to recover to the lower level of normal was defined as ≥70 cells per μL. B-cell recovery from the time of last treatment cycle in patients with a CR is shown at a cutoff of ≥5 cells per μL (B) and ≥70 cells per μL (C). CCOD: 2 May 2023.

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