Tifab deletion impairs cellular functions of LSPCs. (A) Cell counting of WT and Tifab KO LSPCs. Ten thousand CD11b+cKit+ leukemia cells were plated and counted every other day for 4 days. (B) Percentage of Ki67+ LSPCs in mice that received transplant with WT or Tifab KO KMT2A::MLLT3 leukemia cells. (C) Percentage of caspase-3–positive LSPCs in WT and Tifab KO LSPCs. (D) Representative flow cytometry profiles of mice engrafted with WT or Tifab KO LSPCs, assessed 8 weeks after transplantation. (E) Survival curve of sublethally irradiated recipient mice receiving 20 000 sorted LSPCs from WT or Tifab KO KMT2A::MLLT3 leukemic mice (WT, n = 7; Tifab KO, n = 8). (F-G) OCR (F) and ECAR (G) in WT and Tifab KO LSPCs (n = 5). (H) Fractional enrichment of 13C6-labeled intermediate metabolites in Con and Tifab KO LSPCs, measured by GC/MS (n = 3). (I) Western blot analysis of key components of ETC complexes I, II, III, IV, and V, along with TIFAB, in WT and Tifab KO LSPCs (n = 3). ACTIN was used as a loading control. ∗P < .05; ∗∗P < .01. Statistical test used in panels A-C and H was Mann-Whitney U test; for panel E, log-rank test.