FigureĀ 4.
Patient and mutation characteristics by DNMT3A allelic state. (A) Classification of DNMT3A mutants. (B) Frequency of driver mutations per DNMT3A mutant group (SM [left] and DM [right]). The percentage in which each individual gene occurs is shown behind each bar. (C) OS of DNMT3A SM (blue line) and DNMT3A DM (green line). (D) Lollipop plot illustrating the distribution of mutations in the DNMT3A SM cohort (upper part) and DNMT3A DM cohort (bottom part). The length of a lollipop represents the number of patients that carry a mutation at a specific amino acid. Each point is colored by the mutation type of the most frequent occurring mutation at that specific location. (E) Combination of type of mutations in DNMT3A DMs with heterozygous mutations. SNV, single nucleotide variant.

Patient and mutation characteristics by DNMT3A allelic state. (A) Classification of DNMT3A mutants. (B) Frequency of driver mutations per DNMT3A mutant group (SM [left] and DM [right]). The percentage in which each individual gene occurs is shown behind each bar. (C) OS of DNMT3A SM (blue line) and DNMT3A DM (green line). (D) Lollipop plot illustrating the distribution of mutations in the DNMT3A SM cohort (upper part) and DNMT3A DM cohort (bottom part). The length of a lollipop represents the number of patients that carry a mutation at a specific amino acid. Each point is colored by the mutation type of the most frequent occurring mutation at that specific location. (E) Combination of type of mutations in DNMT3A DMs with heterozygous mutations. SNV, single nucleotide variant.

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