Figure 2.
Count recovery and clinical associations with ICAHT grading. (A) Median ANC for the training cohort (n = 156) plotted for each day beginning at start of LD (D-5) to 30 days post-CAR T-cell infusion (D30). CAR T cells were infused on D0. Shading depicts 95% confidence interval of the median for each day. Solid gray line represents ANC threshold for normal value (ANC = 1500/μL) by Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) criteria. Dotted gray line represents grade 4 neutropenia value (ANC = 500/μL). (B) Median ANC for each day by patients who had low-grade early ICAHT (ICAHT 0-2) and those who had high-grade ICAHT (ICAHT grade 3-4). (C) Median ANC for each day by patients who had low baseline BM disease (M1; <5%) and those who had high BM disease (M2 or M3; ≥5%). (D) Median platelet count for each day starting at LD to D30. Solid gray line represents platelet count threshold for normal value (platelet count = 75 × 103/μL) by CIBMTR criteria. Dotted gray line represents grade 4 thrombocytopenia value (platelet count = 25 × 103/μL). (E) Median platelet count for each day by patients who had low-grade early ICAHT (ICAHT 0-2) and those who had high-grade ICAHT (ICAHT grade 3-4). (F) Median platelet count for each day by patients who had low baseline BM disease and those who had high BM disease. (G) Percentage of each ICAHT grade by baseline BM disease. (H) Percentage of each ICAHT grade by CRS severity with low-grade CRS, including no CRS, grade 1, and grade 2 CRS, and severe CRS, including grade 3 and grade 4 CRS. (I) Percentage of each CRS grade by baseline BM disease group. M1, <5% BM disease; M2, 5% to 25% BM disease; M3, >25% BM disease.

Count recovery and clinical associations with ICAHT grading. (A) Median ANC for the training cohort (n = 156) plotted for each day beginning at start of LD (D-5) to 30 days post-CAR T-cell infusion (D30). CAR T cells were infused on D0. Shading depicts 95% confidence interval of the median for each day. Solid gray line represents ANC threshold for normal value (ANC = 1500/μL) by Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) criteria. Dotted gray line represents grade 4 neutropenia value (ANC = 500/μL). (B) Median ANC for each day by patients who had low-grade early ICAHT (ICAHT 0-2) and those who had high-grade ICAHT (ICAHT grade 3-4). (C) Median ANC for each day by patients who had low baseline BM disease (M1; <5%) and those who had high BM disease (M2 or M3; ≥5%). (D) Median platelet count for each day starting at LD to D30. Solid gray line represents platelet count threshold for normal value (platelet count = 75 × 103/μL) by CIBMTR criteria. Dotted gray line represents grade 4 thrombocytopenia value (platelet count = 25 × 103/μL). (E) Median platelet count for each day by patients who had low-grade early ICAHT (ICAHT 0-2) and those who had high-grade ICAHT (ICAHT grade 3-4). (F) Median platelet count for each day by patients who had low baseline BM disease and those who had high BM disease. (G) Percentage of each ICAHT grade by baseline BM disease. (H) Percentage of each ICAHT grade by CRS severity with low-grade CRS, including no CRS, grade 1, and grade 2 CRS, and severe CRS, including grade 3 and grade 4 CRS. (I) Percentage of each CRS grade by baseline BM disease group. M1, <5% BM disease; M2, 5% to 25% BM disease; M3, >25% BM disease.

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