Figure 3.
Application of CAR-HT to a B-ALL cohort. (A) CAR-HT was applied to a B-ALL cohort in a receiver operating characteristic analysis to assess associations between CAR-HT score and severe prolonged neutropenia. (B) CAR-HT scoring and risk group assignment with the outcome of severe prolonged neutropenia. LR = CAR-HT <2, HR = CAR-HT ≥2. P value by Fischer exact test and number of patients in each group are provided. (C) Proportion of patients labeled as HR compared with LR by CAR-HT by disease. Univariate analyses were performed to assess associations between baseline platelet count (D), ANC (E), hemoglobin (F), CRP (G), ferritin (H), and baseline BM disease (I) with duration of grade 4 neutropenia (ANC <500/μL) between day 0 and day 30 post-CAR T-cell infusion. (D-I) Spearman correlation coefficient (r), P value, the number of patients (n), and 95% confidence intervals for simple linear regression for each univariate analysis are provided.

Application of CAR-HT to a B-ALL cohort. (A) CAR-HT was applied to a B-ALL cohort in a receiver operating characteristic analysis to assess associations between CAR-HT score and severe prolonged neutropenia. (B) CAR-HT scoring and risk group assignment with the outcome of severe prolonged neutropenia. LR = CAR-HT <2, HR = CAR-HT ≥2. P value by Fischer exact test and number of patients in each group are provided. (C) Proportion of patients labeled as HR compared with LR by CAR-HT by disease. Univariate analyses were performed to assess associations between baseline platelet count (D), ANC (E), hemoglobin (F), CRP (G), ferritin (H), and baseline BM disease (I) with duration of grade 4 neutropenia (ANC <500/μL) between day 0 and day 30 post-CAR T-cell infusion. (D-I) Spearman correlation coefficient (r), P value, the number of patients (n), and 95% confidence intervals for simple linear regression for each univariate analysis are provided.

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