Figure 4.
ALL-HT model and outcomes of hematotoxicity and survival. (A) ALL-HT scoring table. (B) ROC curve for performance of ALL-HT score and outcome of severe prolonged neutropenia. AUC, P value, and number of patients (n) are provided. (C) ALL-HT risk group assignment and the outcome of severe prolonged neutropenia. Fischer exact test performed to compare differences between groups. (D) Cumulative days of grade 4 neutropenia (ANC <500/μL) between D0 and D30 by ALL-HT risk group. Median with 95% confidence intervals are included. Mann Whitney U test was performed to compare cumulative days of neutropenia between both groups, ∗∗∗∗P < .0001. (E) Median ANC for each day starting at lymphodepletion (D-5) to 30 days post-CAR T-cell infusion (D30) by patients who were ALL-HT LR vs HR. Shading depicts 95% confidence interval of the median for each day. Solid gray line represents ANC threshold for normal value (ANC = 1500/μL) by Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) criteria. Dotted gray line represents grade 4 neutropenia value (ANC = 500/μL). (F) Median platelet count for each day by patients who were ALL-HT LR vs HR. Solid gray line represents platelet count threshold for normal value (platelet count = 75 × 103/μL) by CIBMTR criteria. Dotted gray line represents grade 4 thrombocytopenia value (platelet count = 25 × 103/μL). (G) Kaplan-Meier curve for OS by ALL-HT risk group, where the event was death and patients who had not experienced this event were censored at time of last follow up. (H) Kaplan-Meier curve for EFS by ALL-HT risk group, where the event was death, relapse, or disease progression and patients who had not experienced this event were censored at time of last follow up. Log-rank P value, median OS/EFS, and number of patients in each group are included. mEFS, median EFS; mOS, median OS.

ALL-HT model and outcomes of hematotoxicity and survival. (A) ALL-HT scoring table. (B) ROC curve for performance of ALL-HT score and outcome of severe prolonged neutropenia. AUC, P value, and number of patients (n) are provided. (C) ALL-HT risk group assignment and the outcome of severe prolonged neutropenia. Fischer exact test performed to compare differences between groups. (D) Cumulative days of grade 4 neutropenia (ANC <500/μL) between D0 and D30 by ALL-HT risk group. Median with 95% confidence intervals are included. Mann Whitney U test was performed to compare cumulative days of neutropenia between both groups, ∗∗∗∗P < .0001. (E) Median ANC for each day starting at lymphodepletion (D-5) to 30 days post-CAR T-cell infusion (D30) by patients who were ALL-HT LR vs HR. Shading depicts 95% confidence interval of the median for each day. Solid gray line represents ANC threshold for normal value (ANC = 1500/μL) by Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) criteria. Dotted gray line represents grade 4 neutropenia value (ANC = 500/μL). (F) Median platelet count for each day by patients who were ALL-HT LR vs HR. Solid gray line represents platelet count threshold for normal value (platelet count = 75 × 103/μL) by CIBMTR criteria. Dotted gray line represents grade 4 thrombocytopenia value (platelet count = 25 × 103/μL). (G) Kaplan-Meier curve for OS by ALL-HT risk group, where the event was death and patients who had not experienced this event were censored at time of last follow up. (H) Kaplan-Meier curve for EFS by ALL-HT risk group, where the event was death, relapse, or disease progression and patients who had not experienced this event were censored at time of last follow up. Log-rank P value, median OS/EFS, and number of patients in each group are included. mEFS, median EFS; mOS, median OS.

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