Figure 4.
T-bet is required for up-regulation of C2GlcNAcT-I and FucT-VII in Th1 cells. (A) qRT-PCR of FucT-VII mRNA levels of WT and T-bet-/- Th0 and Th1 cells. Levels are normalized to pgk mRNA levels and expressed as fold induction over WT Th0 cells. Error bars indicate SD. (B) Expression of the C2GlcNAcT-I reporter epitope defined by the 1B11 mAb on WT and T-bet-/- Th0 and Th1 cells over time. Results are representative of at least 3 experiments. Filled symbols, Th1; open symbols, Th0; squares, WT; circles, T-bet-/-, as in Figure 2. **Significantly different from all other groups.