Characteristics of AML caused by MN1-TEL+/HOXA9+ BM cells. (A) GFP and YFP expression in AML cells. BM cells of mice that received leukemic MN1-TEL+/HOXA9 transplants were analyzed by FCM. (B) Expression of MN1-TEL and HOXA9 in AML cells. Western blot of BM cells was incubated with TEL C-terminal or FLAG (for HOXA9) antibody. Gapdh detection was used as a loading control. Control indicates untransduced normal BM. (C) M-G staining of AML cells. Images were obtained as previously described.12 (D) Surface marker analysis of AML cells by FCM. (E) Aggressive organ infiltration of AML cells. H-E staining of liver and spleen sections is shown. (F) Clonality of AML cells. Genomic DNA of AML cells was digested with BglII and hybridized with a HOXA9 probe. Control indicates untransduced BM; and G, germ line band.