Cytokine production by splenocytes after immunization of naive mice with DCs. Different strains of mice were immunized twice with the indicated DC subset or PBS as described in Figure 2, and production of cytokines by splenocytes or lymph node cells in response to medium containing FBS, NMS, conA, or anti-CD3/28 was analyzed by ELISA. mesLN and panLN indicate mesenteric and pancreatic lymph nodes, respectively. conA is concanavalin A. Signal below detection limit is indicated by the gray box. NT indicates not tested; NMS-DC + FBS, NMS-DCs pulsed with 10% FBS; SpDC, MACS-purified splenic DCs. Note that SpDCs pulsed with NMS induced some cytokines, which was probably due to the presence of BSA in the buffer used for purification of the cells. However, the levels induced by NMS-pulsed SpDCs were still 10-fold lower than the levels induced by FBS-pulsed SpDCs.